As a single parent, as a human, I’ve made mistakes on my parenting journey. Here I have listed 9 mistakes I admit to. I hope my list can help others!
Tag: parenting
Triple P Parenting Program; What’s it all about?
The Triple P parenting program is a free parenting program in Australia. It helps parents form positive parenting strategies. So what is it all about?
Controlled Crying – How does it work, and is it harmful?
Controlled crying is one of many sleep training methods used by parents to help their child fall into a sleep routine. So how does it work and is it harmful?
Best Breast Pump Australia
What is the best breast pump Australia? There are many types and brands on the market, so here I’ve reviewed the types and looked at the best in each category.
Positive Affirmations for Mothers and Single Mums
Parenting is hard! Single parenting is damn hard! Here are 20+ positive affirmations for mothers and single mums to help give you a more positive mindset.
Swimming for Babies; Benefits and Best Age to Start
Swimming for babies; is it beneficial, and if so, at what age is it best to start? Let’s dive into some FAQs when it comes to swimming lessons for babies.
Receptive Bilingualism Explained; When Kids understand, but can’t verbalise
Receptive bilingualism, the ability to understand two languages but only speak one, can have various effects on a child. Let’s take a closer look..
Tresillian; What is it and What do they do?
If you’re struggling with how to settle a newborn or want some tips on sleep or feeding, Tresillian is a wonderful not-for-profit organization that can help.
Foster Care Payments; How much do you get?
Foster Care Payments differ from state to state. Let’s discuss what the payment is and the eligibility requirements to receive the payment.
Frugal Living in Australia; 13 reasons why I CHOOSE frugality
Frugal living in Australia; it’s not a recipe for missing out and a life of sacrifice. It’s quite the opposite! I choose frugality for 13 key reasons..