The Triple P parenting program is a free parenting program in Australia and is used world wide. It helps parents form positive parenting strategies and is backed by extensive research. So what is it all about?
Parenting is not easy! It requires significant amounts of patience, energy, resilience and emotional strength. As the saying goes “It takes a village to raise a child”! Know that you are not alone.
There are many programs within Australia and worldwide that aim to reduce the pressures on parents and caregivers and support them in raising children. In particular, the Triple P Parenting program1 is a wonderful positive parenting program to increase parents’ knowledge and skills to aid children’s holistic development.

What is the Triple P Positive Parenting Program?
Even though early childhood is such a crucial time for learning, parenting shouldn’t always feel like a burden and be stressful. Triple P positive parenting is an Australian program that has been developed by The University of Queensland and is backed by much research, many studies and trials.
The primary purpose of this program is to support parents in being more confident in their parenting approaches and gives parents simple and practical strategies to help their children develop desired skills and behaviours.
They provide tips, advice, important info and guidance on the following Parenting Topics:
- Adjusting to parenthood
- Anger and Anxiety
- Baby crying
- Bedtime routines
- Confidence as a parent
- Discipline
- Fears and anxiety
- Kids using technology
- Conversations and Language
- Listening Skills
- Meltdowns, Screaming and Tantrums
- New parents
- Parent Disagreements
- Parenting Styles
- Parenting Stress
- Sadness
- Screen Time
- Self care
- Sleeping
- Strong Emotions
- Work Life balance
They also have a Blog which you can view HERE2 with heaps of helpful articles on Parenting related Topics.
Is Triple P Parenting effective?
According to a study3 conducted in 2018; Triple P Parenting was shown to reduce the stress associated with parenting as well as to boost parents’ self-esteem and give them the confidence to use these parenting strategies in their practice. Additionally, it was also evident in the results that children’s behavioural and emotional problems decreased upon completion of the program.
It is actually one of the most widely used parenting programs. It has been endorsed by the United Nations as the world’s number one parenting program. This parenting program has been used in over 25 different countries and has also been translated into 21 languages to improve outcomes for both parents and children.

Is the Triple P Parenting Program Free?
In 2022, The Australian Government made the Triple P parenting program free for all parents4 and carers of children aged under 12. This makes the program much more accessible to any families who need extra support with behavioural issues, parenting strategies, parenting support, helping our children become resilient children, or just family life in general.
It is also an important step to reduce any stigma or embarrassment for those who need help. Parents should be able to care for their own mental well-being and everyone should have equal access.
Who is the Program For?
Generally speaking, the Triple P parenting program is for parents of children aged 0-16. There are a variety of courses available which target specific skills or are for particular ages. Here is a summary of a few programs below, but for further information, you can visit the Triple Parenting Program page here1.
- Standard Triple P Parenting program – for parents with children aged 0-12
- Teen Triple P – Targeted for parents of teenagers aged 12-16
- Triple P for Baby – for parents of newborns
- Stepping Stones – for parents with children who have a disability or special needs
- Family Transitions – For parents who are going through separation or divorce.
- Lifestyle – For parents of children who may be overweight
- Fear-Less Triple P – for parents to help manage their children’s anxiety and teach them coping strategies
- Indigenous – For Indigenous parents to help bridge the gap
What are the main principles behind Triple P Parenting?
The guiding positive parenting principles5 behind this program are:
- Ensuring a safe, engaging environment
- Promoting a positive learning environment
- Using assertive discipline
- Maintaining reasonable expectations
- Taking care of oneself as a parent
“The program is designed to enhance parental competence, and prevent or alter dysfunctional parenting practices. It aims to reduce risk factors both for child maltreatment and for children’s behavioural and emotional problems.”
Another very important factor is that parenting programs should be delivered in a way that isn’t stigmatized by society. It is easy to think that parenting interventions should be accessed by those who are inadequate, failing or ignorant parents. But this is not the case. Triple P Parenting follows and targets the whole population to address the universal relevance of these issues.
It’s important to create a positive learning environment for children that encourages your child to be curious and problem-solve. Parents must be present in this journey with them. Triple P Parenting encourages parents to use consistent and predictable teaching methods to help their child accept responsibility for their behaviour and also understand the needs of others. It also helps parents with tips to confidently manage problems and issues as they arise.
“Triple P helps you:
- Raise happy, confident, capable kids
- Build and maintain a close, loving relationship with your child
- Understand more about child development to make parenting more enjoyable and easier
- Encourage positive behaviour
- Prevent and manage misbehaviour effectively, in a way that supports children’s emotional wellbeing
- Have rules and routines everyone respects and follows
- Feel less stressed and calmer
- Feel more able to handle various parenting situations, knowing you’re doing the best for your kids.”
Who delivers the program?
There is Triple P training given to all the practitioners who deliver the sessions. In other countries, Triple P International has a network of trainers who provide training to those who want to conduct sessions. All the trainers undergo workshops and training and have a minimum qualification of Masters or equivalent in educational or clinical psychology.
You can also access the Triple P parenting program through Relationships Australia7. Visit their website HERE7.
Is the program designed to be completed in person or online?
The Triple P program is extremely flexible and can be completed in many different ways to suit the needs of different families. Here is a list of some of the available options:
- Posters and brochures
- Online courses
- Workbooks and tip sheets
- Free Triple P Seminar
- Individual and Group sessions (groups at a community venue)
- In-person, phone or video consultation
The most common method of accessing the program is online. A recently posted article8 confirms that there have been over 100,000 families who have accessed the parenting program since it became free at the end of 2022.

How do you enrol in the Triple P Parenting Program?
Simply register for free online at this link9. If you are wondering how much time the course will take you, there are 8 modules in total and each one takes approximately 30 minutes to an hour. You don’t need to finish the whole course all in one go, you may choose to do 10-15 minutes per day and finish it according to your schedule.
Triple P Parenting is a fantastic initiative taken by the Australian Government to ensure all parents get the support they need. The Triple P online program is great for any parent looking for something flexible to fit into their schedule. We must work together to remove the stigma attached to seeking extra parenting support and instead focus on ensuring confidence and mental well-being for the development of healthy relationships within the family and for the benefit of the family as a whole.
Have you ever, or would you consider accessing the Triple P Parenting Program? What are your thoughts? Let me know in the Comments section below!
Reference List:
- Can positive parenting program (Triple P) be useful to prevent child maltreatment?, Özyurt, Dinsever, Çaliskan and Evgin, National Library of Medicine, NCBI. Published: July – Sep, 2018. Accessed online at,%2Defficacy%2C%20and%20marital%20adjustment on June 15, 2023.
- Triple P, The Evidence Portal, DCJ. Accessed online at on June 15, 2023.
- Triple P Positive Parenting Program, Relationships Australia. Accessed online at on June 15, 2023.
- Triple P – Positive Parenting Program – reaches 100,000 families milestone, Freya Lucas, The Sector. Published: May 29, 2023. Accessed online at on June 15, 2023.