Do Not Open This Book, by Andy Lee will have most kids giggling, squealing and asking for more! Read my full book review here.

Do Not Open This Book, by Andy Lee, Published 2016.
Just Quickly, What Is It?
Don’t open it! Too late? Don’t turn the page! Do you really want to see what happens if you keep turning pages?!?
Surely you won’t get to the end of the book!
A surprise (and a giggle I’m sure) after every page turn..
Tell Me More, What’s It All About?
This book will capture the attention of even the usually less enthused young viewers. The suspense continually builds as we want to uncover what really will happen if we first OPEN the book, but then as we continue to turn pages even after very stern warnings not to!
Young children have a natural curiosity and are typically encouraged to follow the rules by the family members, carers and educators around them. The thrill that comes from ‘breaking’ the rules by first opening the book and then continuing to turn pages will make them giggle with excitement and yearn for even more thrills as they anticipate what ‘danger’ could occur, what terrible thing could happen or in contrast, how much more exciting each page could possibly become!

One unusual, blue, bald, egg headed creature wearing only pants and shoes… AND the reader of course as an integral, interactive key component of the story.
So What Do I Love About It?
What I love about this story is how it engages the reader, children and adults alike. What could possibly happen if I keep disobeying the ‘rules’?
It builds suspense, it will most likely have all listeners calling out ‘Again, again’ after it’s all over, craving for a repeat of the surprises and the anticipation.
The illustrations are simplistic and yet the expressions on the face of the key character are very engaging, expressive and unambiguous. If he’s upset with the reader, we know it! If he’s nervous, it’s clear. He’s very unique and amusing too.
The printed text is varied in position and emphasis.
What I love about the very beginning of the book is the lack of a title page and publishing information. The publishing info is printed on the back cover of the book so that the first page is reserved to jump straight into alluring and intriguing the viewer immediately without a distraction of ‘adult’ information.

Weak Points For Me
There is not much I didn’t love in this book; for me, I would like to know a bit earlier in the story what the consequence will be for reaching the last page, but I can see that this may have been strategic as well, to keep this detail until close to the end.
Quick Summary Review
Break the rules and Open the Book! Continue to disobey this captivating creature and keep turning the pages! It could be dangerous, it could be disastrous, it could be hilarious!

This story is presented as an engaging picture book aimed at preschool and toddler children (aged 2-6) but will definitely captivate older children too, up to even 10 years old, with adults most likely enjoying the ride as they participate in the excitement with the child as they read along.
You can find it on Amazon Here!
You can read my other BOOK REVIEWS HERE:
Marmaduke Duck And The Marmalade Jam – BOOK REVIEW