Childcare EasyPay Review; Pros and Cons

A review of Childcare EasyPay to understand exactly what it is and the advantages and disadvantages it has for both child care centres and parents.


In childcare, the main priority is always to provide high-quality care for children. Sometimes, it may be challenging for childcare directors to juggle administration and cash flow whilst also ensuring other aspects of the centre are running effectively, and children and families are well catered for. It can also be quite overwhelming for parents to understand the childcare subsidy and stay on top of regular payments. Childcare EasyPay provides a quick solution that benefits both childcare centres and parents. Both parents and childcare centres receive much more flexibility for managing expenses and processing child care fees. Let’s look at exactly what the system is and the advantages and disadvantages associated with using Childcare EasyPay.

What is Childcare EasyPay?

Technology has come so far in the past few decades, making life much easier for everyone. Instead of relying on parents to come into the centre and pay by cash or via EFTPOS, which can often lead to late payments, Childcare EasyPay is a 100% Australian-owned and operated business dedicated to simplifying the payment process specifically for childcare centres and parents.

By using Childcare EasyPay, centres can accept payments through credit cards, debit cards and bank accounts. Additionally, it comes with various easy payment options such as fortnightly or monthly installments making it more flexible for parents.

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childcare easypay

Who is it for?

Both parents and child care centres can benefit from using Childcare Easy Pay. As a director, it might be a pain to constantly chase up finances from parents and collect child care fees. For parents, it gets difficult to stay on top of regularly paying fees, so this is a straightforward solution that offers an electronic system to standardise the process. There are three options available: Autopay, Centre Batch Pay and Web Pay. 

childcare easypay

Is it easy to use?

Childcare EasyPay is simple to set up and hassle-free to use. The system is automated, making things easier for childcare centres and parents.

Does Childcare EasyPay use Direct Debit?

Childcare EasyPay allows centres to accept direct debit payments through credit card, debit card or bank transfer (BSB account). Simply fill out the form once, and you are ready to go. Choose the frequency of the payments; weekly, fortnightly or monthly. Then, every time the payment gets processed, the parent and childcare centre will be alerted through a notification and confirmation.

Is Childcare EasyPay safe to use?

With so many scammers on the internet, it can be hard to trust sites and share personal details. However, when using Childcare EasyPay, you no longer need to keep track and store your bank account and credit card numbers as details are tokenised using the latest encryption technologies. Tokenisation refers to the process of protecting sensitive information with an algorithmically scrambled number known as a token. For a more in-depth understanding of tokenisation, you can have a read of this article by the Australian Payment network.

What are the benefits for childcare centres?

Childcare EasyPay is quite easy to learn and has multiple benefits for Childcare Centres:

This includes:

  • Boost cashflow & Reduce debts

You no longer have to chase parents and keep track of how much is owed with easy automatic payment. This will help reduce debts as parents pay at regular intervals.

  • Save administration time

The system will automatically keep track of payments reducing administration time and manual labour, allowing you to give priority to other important aspects of managing a childcare service.

  • Make life easier for parents too

Increasing the efficiency of processing payments will benefit parents as they get different payment options at their convenience.

  • No extra fees

There are no setup fees, monthly charges or other additional transaction fees.

  • Easy to use website

ChildCare EasyPay likes to make things easy for all parties and so the website is also easy to use and navigate, with all relevant info clear and easy to find.

childcare easypay

What are the benefits for parents?

Here is a list of some benefits for parents:

  • Different payment methods are available

Choose between using a credit card, debit card or bank account for payments. You can easily switch by updating account information as required.

  • Save time

Instead of going to the centre and paying physically, this payment method allows busy parents to save so much time by paying at their own convenience.

  • Reward points

Every time you make a payment using a credit card, you will receive reward points and other extra benefits

  • Hassle-Free

Rather than keeping up with forgotten payments or chasing them up every few weeks, automatic payments are processed straight from the centre, so you don’t need to remember every time.

  • Keep track

To keep a record of all the payments which have been processed, the entire payment history is available on your account

  • Security & Protection

A secure payment method is used, which protects your card and personal details

  • Notifications

Receive payment notifications via SMS or email every time a transaction is complete

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“ChildCare EasyPay is a 100% Australian owned and operated business at the forefront of payment processing solutions. We have over 20 years of expertise in the provision of beneficial, secure and reliable marketing, loyalty and payment solutions to the banking industry, international organisations and locally operated small and medium businesses.”

Childcare Easypay – ‘About us

Are there any disadvantages?

  • Less technologically savvy parents may be hesitant to use this system as they may prefer controlling and monitoring payments on their own.
  • Less opportunity for face to face interactions with centre personnel, with this contact free system.
  • You may be charged an additional fee for any failed payments. This is usually charged 5 days after the payment failure.
  • The support team is only available by phone during 9am-5pm on business days, no extended hours.

What are the competitors on the market?

There are other alternative payment processing solutions on the market. A few of these are:

What services can use Childcare EasyPay?

Any childcare centre can use Childcare EasyPay. Parents need to understand that payments can only be made if the centre is set up to use EasyPay.

Many other centres may choose one of the above payment solutions as there are very few, if any using cash or EFTPOS as a payment system any longer.


While it can be scary to move to new automated technology, there are countless benefits of having an easy payment processing system that reduces administration and simplifies things for parents! Childcare EasyPay is just one of the payment solutions on the market but it does provide an excellent solution for giving parents the flexibility to pay in their own time and use whichever payment method they prefer.

There are no hidden costs, and they use a secure payment method to protect cards and personal details. If you are interested in finding out more, you can visit the Childcare EasyPay website here.

You can also contact them via email or phone. Details are on their website: ChildCare

If you want more information on the Child Care Subsidy, you can read my article here.

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